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you can't handle the truth son we live00:02
in a world that has walls and those00:07
walls have to be guarded by men with00:08
guns who's gonna do it you you00:10
lieutenant Weinberg I have a greater00:13
responsibility than you can possibly00:16
fathom you weep for Santiago and you00:18
curse the Marines you have that luxury00:21
you have the luxury of not knowing what00:24
I know that Santiago's death while00:26
tragic probably saved lives and my00:28
existence while grotesque and00:31
incomprehensible to you saves lives you00:33
don't want the truth because deep down00:37
in places you don't talk about it00:38
parties you want me on that wall you00:40
need me on that wall we use words like00:43
honor code loyalty we use these words as00:47
the backbone of a life spent defending00:52
something you used them as a punchline I00:54
have neither the time or the inclination00:56
to explain myself to a man who rises and00:59
sleeps under the blanket of the very01:02
freedom that I provide and then01:04
questions the manner in which I provide01:05
it I would rather you just said thank01:07
you and went on your way otherwise I01:09
suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a01:11
post either way I don't give a damn what01:14
you think you are entitled to thought01:18
about what you said to me the other day01:21
of my painting01:22
instead of half the night thinking about01:26
it something occurred to me01:28
I fell into a deep peaceful sleep and01:32
haven't thought about you since you know01:35
what occurred to me no we're just a kid01:37
you don't have the faintest idea what01:42
you're talking about why thank you01:44
you've never been out of Boston01:47
nope if I asked you about out you'd01:53
probably give me the skinny on everybody01:56
art book ever written Michelangelo you01:57
know a lot about him life's work02:02
political aspirations him in the Pope02:04
sexual orientation the whole works right02:07
but you can't tell me what it smells02:11
like in the Sistine Chapel02:13
you've never actually stood there looked02:18
up at a beautiful ceiling02:20
seen that02:25
if I ask you about women cover give me a02:28
silver sir your personal favorites you02:30
may have even been laid a few times but02:34
you can't tell me what it feels like to02:42
wake up next to a woman and feel truly02:44
a tough kid02:50
I asked you about why you probably throw02:54
Shakespeare at me right once more into02:57
the breach dear friends you never been02:59
near one you've never held your best03:04
friend's head in your lap and watch him03:07
gasp his last breath looking to you for03:09
help I ask you about love I be caught me03:11
a sonnet if you've never looked at a03:18
woman and then totally vulnerable03:21
knowing someone that could level you03:24
with her eyes feeling like God put an03:26
angel on earth just for you I could03:30
rescue you from the depths of hell and03:34
you wouldn't know what it's like to be03:37
her angel they have that love for her be03:38
there forever through anything through03:41
cancer and you would know about sleep03:45
and sitting up in a hospital room for03:49
two months holding her hand because the03:50
doctors could see in your eyes that the03:52
terms visiting hours don't apply to you03:54
you don't know about real loss because03:56
it only occurs when you love something04:01
more than you love yourself I doubt you04:03
ever dare to love anybody that much I04:07
look at you I don't see an intelligent04:12
confident man04:15
I see a cocky scared shitless kid but04:19
your genius will no one denies that no04:25
one could possibly understand the depths04:28
of you but you presume to know04:30
everything about me because you saw a04:33
painting of mine you ripped my [ __ ]04:34
life apart you're an orphan right04:36
do you think I know the first thing04:48
about how hard your life has been how04:50
you feel who you are because I've heard04:52
all of the twist does that encapsulate04:55
you personally I don't give a [ __ ] about04:59
all that because you know what I can't05:05
learn anything from you I can't read in05:07
some [ __ ] book unless you want to05:09
talk about you who you are05:13
and I'm fascinated I mean05:17
but you don't want to do that to your05:23
sport you're terrified of what you might05:25
you need chief05:37
we didn't gonna believe this we used to05:46
fit right here I'd hold you up to say to05:49
your mother this kid's gonna be the best05:53
kid in the world05:55
this kid's gonna be somebody better than05:56
anybody ever knew and you grew up good05:58
and wonderful it was great just watching06:01
every day was like a privilege then the06:04
time come for you to be your own man and06:06
take on the world and you did but06:08
somewhere along the line you changed you06:10
stopped being you you let people stick a06:14
finger in your face and tell you you're06:16
no good and when things got hard you06:18
started looking for something to blame06:20
like a big shadow let me tell you06:22
something you already know the world06:27
ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a06:29
very mean and nasty place and I don't06:32
care how tough you are it will beat you06:34
to your knees and keep you there06:36
permanently if you let it you me or06:38
nobody is gonna hit as hard as life but06:40
it ain't about how hard you hit it's06:44
about how hard you can get hit and keep06:46
moving forward how much you can take and06:48
keep moving forward that's how weird it06:51
is done now if you know what you're06:54
worth the glottic get what you're worth06:57
but you gotta be willing to take the06:58
hits and not pointing fingers saying you07:00
ain't where you wanna be because of him07:02
or her or anybody cowards do that and07:04
that ain't you07:07
you're better than that07:08
I'm always you love you no matter what07:16
no matter what happens you my son it you07:20
might play you're the best thing in my07:24
life but until you start believing07:27
yourself you gonna have a life don't07:31
forget to visit your mother07:39
rehabilitated well now let me see you07:46
know I don't have any idea what that07:53
means well that means you're ready to07:54
rejoin society I know what do you think07:58
it means something to me it's just a08:01
made-up word the politicians were so08:05
that young fellows like yourself can08:09
wear a suit and the time I have a job08:11
what do you really want to know am i08:16
sorry for what I did08:20
well I there's not a day goes by I don't08:21
feel regret not because I'm in here08:27
because you think I should I look back08:31
on the way I was then a young stupid kid08:36
who committed that terrible crime I want08:44
to talk to him I want to try to talk08:49
some sense to him tell him the way08:53
things are but I can't08:56
that kids long gone this old man is all09:02
of us left I gotta live with that09:07
yeah billet ain't it it's just a09:12
[ __ ] word so you go on and stamp09:15
your form Sonny and stop wasting my time09:19
because I tell you the truth I don't09:22
give a [ __ ] why is not the greatest09:26
country in the world professor that's my09:31
you're saying yes let's talk about fine09:37
look Sharon the NEA is a loser yeah it09:41
accounts for a penny out of our paycheck09:44
but he gets to hit you with it anytime09:45
he wants it doesn't cost money it cost09:47
votes it costs airtime and column inches09:49
you know why people don't like liberals09:51
cuz they lose if liberals are so [ __ ]09:52
smart oh come they lose so goddamn09:55
always hey and with a straight face09:56
you're gonna tell students that America09:58
is so star-spangled awesome that we're10:00
the only ones in the world who have10:03
freedom Canada has freedom Japan has10:04
freedom the UK France Italy Germany10:07
Spain Australia Belgium has freedom so10:09
207 sovereign states in the world like10:13
180 of them have freedom all right and10:15
got you a sorority girl just in case you10:17
accidentally wander into a voting booth10:19
one day there's some things you should10:21
know and one of them is there is10:22
absolutely no evidence to support the10:24
statement that were the greatest country10:26
in the world were 7th and literacy 27th10:27
and math 22nd in science 49th and life10:30
expectancy 178th in infant mortality10:33
third and median household income number10:35
four in labor ports are number four in10:38
exports we lead the world in only three10:39
categories number of incarcerated10:41
citizens per capita number of adults who10:43
believe angels are real and defense10:45
spending where we spend more than the10:47
next 26 countries combined 25 of whom10:48
her allies no no this is the fault of a10:51
twenty-year-old college student but you10:53
nonetheless are without a doubt a member10:54
of the worst period generation period10:56
ever periods when you ask what makes us10:59
the greatest country in the world I11:01
don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking11:03
about Yosemite11:04
sure used to be we stood up for what was11:18
right we fought for moral reasons we11:23
passed laws struck down laws for moral11:26
reasons we waged wars on poverty not11:29
poor people we sacrificed we cared about11:31
our neighbors we put our money where our11:35
mouths were and we never beat our chest11:36
we built great big things made ungodly11:38
technological advances explored the11:41
universe cured diseases and we11:44
cultivated the world's greatest artists11:46
and the world's greatest economy we11:49
reached for the stars acted like men we11:53
aspired to intelligence we didn't11:59
belittle it it didn't make us feel12:00
inferior we didn't identify ourselves by12:01
who we voted for in the last election12:06
and we didn't scare so easy12:07
we were able to be all these things and12:14
do all these things because we were12:17
informed by great men men who were12:18
revered first step in solving any12:22
problem is recognizing there is one12:27
what's been wrong with me for 19 years12:32
I've been a witness and I tell you I've12:37
been complicit I love you Steve you know12:40
how much I love that you don't care how12:45
much money a person makes you care what12:49
they make but what you make isn't12:51
supposed to be the best part of you when12:54
you're a father that's what's supposed12:57
to be the best part of you and it's13:00
caused me two decades of agony Steve13:02
that it is for you the worst it's a13:04
little thing it's a very small thing fix13:13
it fix it now or you can contact me13:19
that's my new job working anywhere I13:23
want I'm sorry13:27
well you know what actually just works13:32
out better for me you know it is13:34
slimmies the summer come to class we're13:35
next nuttin you know well it's all right13:37
to be angry13:38
hey why should I be mad for saying at13:39
least he said goodbye this time I just13:42
wish I hadn't wasted my money buying a13:44
stupid present I'm sorry I'd you know if13:46
there was something that I hey you know13:51
you ain't gonna do no no no hey you know13:54
ain't like I'm still five years old you13:55
know ain't like imma be sittin up every13:57
night asking my mom when's daddy coming13:59
home you know who needs him he wasn't14:01
there to teach me how to shoot my first14:03
basket but I learned didn't I hey I got14:04
pretty damn good as to did not fulfill14:06
got through my first day without him14:08
right I learned how to drive I learn how14:10
to shave I learned how to fight without14:12
him I had 14 great birthdays without him14:13
he never even sent me a damn car14:17
I need them then and I'll need them now14:22
we'll know you know what Uncle Phil I'm14:27
gonna get through college without him14:30
I'm gonna get a great job without him14:31
I'm gonna marry me a beautiful honey and14:33
I'm having me a whole bunch of kids I'll14:35
be a better father than he ever was and14:37
I sure as hell don't need him for that14:39
cuz I ain't a damn thing he could ever14:40
teach me about how to love my kids how14:42
come you don't want me man you know14:52
we're sitting here you and I and I get15:05
couple of regular fellas15:09
you do what you do I do what I gotta do15:10
and now that we've been face to face15:13
if I'm there I gotta put you away I15:20
won't like it but I'll tell you15:23
if it's between you and some poor15:29
bastard whose wife you're gonna turn15:32
into a widow brother you are going down15:34
I'm sorry I don't want to be an emperor15:48
that's not my business I don't want to15:52
rule or conquer anyone15:55
I should like to help everyone if15:57
possible Jew Gentile black man white we15:58
all want to help one another human16:03
beings are like that we want to live by16:04
each other's happiness not by each16:06
other's misery we don't want to hate and16:07
despise one another in this world is16:10
room for everyone and the good earth is16:12
rich and can provide for everyone the16:14
way of life can be free and beautiful16:17
but we have lost the way greed has16:18
poisoned men's souls has barricaded the16:22
world with hate has goose-stepped us16:25
into misery and bloodshed16:27
we have developed speed but we have shut16:28
ourselves in machinery that gives16:31
abundance has left us in want our16:33
knowledge has made us cynical our16:36
cleverness hard and unkind we think too16:37
much and feel too little more than16:40
machinery we need humanity more than16:42
cleverness we need kindness and16:45
gentleness without these qualities life16:47
will be violent and all will be lost16:49
the aeroplane and the radio have brought16:52
us closer together the very nature of16:54
these inventions cries out for the16:56
goodness in men cries out for universal16:57
brotherhood for the unity of us all even16:59
now my voice is reaching millions17:02
throughout the world millions of17:03
despairing men women and children17:05
victims of a system that makes men17:06
torture and imprison innocent people17:09
those who can hear me I say do not17:12
despair the misery that is now upon us17:15
is but the passing of greed the17:17
bitterness of men who fear the way of17:19
human progress the hate of men will pass17:21
and dictators die and the power they17:24
took from the people will return to the17:26
people and so long as men die Liberty17:29
will never perish17:31
soldiers don't give yourselves to brutes17:34
men who despise you enslave you who17:36
regiment your lives tell you what to do17:39
what to think of what to feel who drill17:41
you diet you treat you like cattle use17:43
you as cannon fodder don't give17:45
yourselves to these unnatural men17:47
machine men with machine minds and17:49
machine hearts you are not machines you17:52
are not cattle you are men you have the17:55
love of humanity in your hearts17:57
you don't hate only the unloved hate17:59
the unloved and the unnatural soldiers18:01
don't fight for slavery fight for18:04
liberty in the seventeenth chapter of18:06
st. Luke it is written the kingdom of18:08
God is within man not one man nor a18:09
group of men but in all men in you you18:11
the people have the power the power to18:14
create machines the power to create18:17
you the people have the power to make18:19
this life free and beautiful to make18:21
this life a wonderful adventure then in18:23
the name of democracy let us use that18:25
power let us all unite let us fight for18:27
a new world a decent world that will18:30
give men a chance to work that will give18:33
you the future and old age a security by18:35
the promise of these things brutes have18:38
risen to power but they lie they do not18:39
fulfill that promise they never will18:42
dictators free themselves but they18:44
enslave the people18:46
now let us fight to fulfill that promise18:47
let us fight to free the world to do18:50
away with national barriers to do away18:53
with greed with hate and intolerance let18:55
us fight for a world of reason a world18:58
where science and progress will lead to19:01
all men's happiness19:03
soldiers in the name of democracy let us19:05
all unite19:08
- you can't handle the truth son we live
- in a world that has walls and those
- walls have to be guarded by men with
- guns who's gonna do it you you
- lieutenant Weinberg I have a greater
- responsibility than you can possibly
- fathom you weep for Santiago and you
- curse the Marines you have that luxury
- you have the luxury of not knowing what
- I know that Santiago's death while
- tragic probably saved lives and my
- existence while grotesque and
- incomprehensible to you saves lives you
- don't want the truth because deep down
- in places you don't talk about it
- parties you want me on that wall you
- need me on that wall we use words like
- honor code loyalty we use these words as
- the backbone of a life spent defending
- something you used them as a punchline I
- have neither the time or the inclination
- to explain myself to a man who rises and
- sleeps under the blanket of the very
- freedom that I provide and then
- questions the manner in which I provide
- it I would rather you just said thank
- you and went on your way otherwise I
- suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a
- post either way I don't give a damn what
- you think you are entitled to thought
- about what you said to me the other day
- of my painting
- instead of half the night thinking about
- it something occurred to me
- I fell into a deep peaceful sleep and
- haven't thought about you since you know
- what occurred to me no we're just a kid
- you don't have the faintest idea what
- you're talking about why thank you
- you've never been out of Boston
- nope if I asked you about out you'd
- probably give me the skinny on everybody
- art book ever written Michelangelo you
- know a lot about him life's work
- political aspirations him in the Pope
- sexual orientation the whole works right
- but you can't tell me what it smells
- like in the Sistine Chapel
- you've never actually stood there looked
- up at a beautiful ceiling
- seen that
- if I ask you about women cover give me a
- silver sir your personal favorites you
- may have even been laid a few times but
- you can't tell me what it feels like to
- wake up next to a woman and feel truly
- happy
- a tough kid
- I asked you about why you probably throw
- Shakespeare at me right once more into
- the breach dear friends you never been
- near one you've never held your best
- friend's head in your lap and watch him
- gasp his last breath looking to you for
- help I ask you about love I be caught me
- a sonnet if you've never looked at a
- woman and then totally vulnerable
- knowing someone that could level you
- with her eyes feeling like God put an
- angel on earth just for you I could
- rescue you from the depths of hell and
- you wouldn't know what it's like to be
- her angel they have that love for her be
- there forever through anything through
- cancer and you would know about sleep
- and sitting up in a hospital room for
- two months holding her hand because the
- doctors could see in your eyes that the
- terms visiting hours don't apply to you
- you don't know about real loss because
- it only occurs when you love something
- more than you love yourself I doubt you
- ever dare to love anybody that much I
- look at you I don't see an intelligent
- confident man
- I see a cocky scared shitless kid but
- your genius will no one denies that no
- one could possibly understand the depths
- of you but you presume to know
- everything about me because you saw a
- painting of mine you ripped my [ __ ]
- life apart you're an orphan right
- do you think I know the first thing
- about how hard your life has been how
- you feel who you are because I've heard
- all of the twist does that encapsulate
- you personally I don't give a [ __ ] about
- all that because you know what I can't
- learn anything from you I can't read in
- some [ __ ] book unless you want to
- talk about you who you are
- and I'm fascinated I mean
- but you don't want to do that to your
- sport you're terrified of what you might
- say
- you need chief
- we didn't gonna believe this we used to
- fit right here I'd hold you up to say to
- your mother this kid's gonna be the best
- kid in the world
- this kid's gonna be somebody better than
- anybody ever knew and you grew up good
- and wonderful it was great just watching
- every day was like a privilege then the
- time come for you to be your own man and
- take on the world and you did but
- somewhere along the line you changed you
- stopped being you you let people stick a
- finger in your face and tell you you're
- no good and when things got hard you
- started looking for something to blame
- like a big shadow let me tell you
- something you already know the world
- ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a
- very mean and nasty place and I don't
- care how tough you are it will beat you
- to your knees and keep you there
- permanently if you let it you me or
- nobody is gonna hit as hard as life but
- it ain't about how hard you hit it's
- about how hard you can get hit and keep
- moving forward how much you can take and
- keep moving forward that's how weird it
- is done now if you know what you're
- worth the glottic get what you're worth
- but you gotta be willing to take the
- hits and not pointing fingers saying you
- ain't where you wanna be because of him
- or her or anybody cowards do that and
- that ain't you
- you're better than that
- I'm always you love you no matter what
- no matter what happens you my son it you
- might play you're the best thing in my
- life but until you start believing
- yourself you gonna have a life don't
- forget to visit your mother
- rehabilitated well now let me see you
- know I don't have any idea what that
- means well that means you're ready to
- rejoin society I know what do you think
- it means something to me it's just a
- made-up word the politicians were so
- that young fellows like yourself can
- wear a suit and the time I have a job
- what do you really want to know am i
- sorry for what I did
- well I there's not a day goes by I don't
- feel regret not because I'm in here
- because you think I should I look back
- on the way I was then a young stupid kid
- who committed that terrible crime I want
- to talk to him I want to try to talk
- some sense to him tell him the way
- things are but I can't
- that kids long gone this old man is all
- of us left I gotta live with that
- yeah billet ain't it it's just a
- [ __ ] word so you go on and stamp
- your form Sonny and stop wasting my time
- because I tell you the truth I don't
- give a [ __ ] why is not the greatest
- country in the world professor that's my
- answer
- you're saying yes let's talk about fine
- look Sharon the NEA is a loser yeah it
- accounts for a penny out of our paycheck
- but he gets to hit you with it anytime
- he wants it doesn't cost money it cost
- votes it costs airtime and column inches
- you know why people don't like liberals
- cuz they lose if liberals are so [ __ ]
- smart oh come they lose so goddamn
- always hey and with a straight face
- you're gonna tell students that America
- is so star-spangled awesome that we're
- the only ones in the world who have
- freedom Canada has freedom Japan has
- freedom the UK France Italy Germany
- Spain Australia Belgium has freedom so
- 207 sovereign states in the world like
- 180 of them have freedom all right and
- got you a sorority girl just in case you
- accidentally wander into a voting booth
- one day there's some things you should
- know and one of them is there is
- absolutely no evidence to support the
- statement that were the greatest country
- in the world were 7th and literacy 27th
- and math 22nd in science 49th and life
- expectancy 178th in infant mortality
- third and median household income number
- four in labor ports are number four in
- exports we lead the world in only three
- categories number of incarcerated
- citizens per capita number of adults who
- believe angels are real and defense
- spending where we spend more than the
- next 26 countries combined 25 of whom
- her allies no no this is the fault of a
- twenty-year-old college student but you
- nonetheless are without a doubt a member
- of the worst period generation period
- ever periods when you ask what makes us
- the greatest country in the world I
- don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking
- about Yosemite
- sure used to be we stood up for what was
- right we fought for moral reasons we
- passed laws struck down laws for moral
- reasons we waged wars on poverty not
- poor people we sacrificed we cared about
- our neighbors we put our money where our
- mouths were and we never beat our chest
- we built great big things made ungodly
- technological advances explored the
- universe cured diseases and we
- cultivated the world's greatest artists
- and the world's greatest economy we
- reached for the stars acted like men we
- aspired to intelligence we didn't
- belittle it it didn't make us feel
- inferior we didn't identify ourselves by
- who we voted for in the last election
- and we didn't scare so easy
- [Music]
- we were able to be all these things and
- do all these things because we were
- informed by great men men who were
- revered first step in solving any
- problem is recognizing there is one
- [Music]
- what's been wrong with me for 19 years
- I've been a witness and I tell you I've
- been complicit I love you Steve you know
- how much I love that you don't care how
- much money a person makes you care what
- they make but what you make isn't
- supposed to be the best part of you when
- you're a father that's what's supposed
- to be the best part of you and it's
- caused me two decades of agony Steve
- that it is for you the worst it's a
- little thing it's a very small thing fix
- it fix it now or you can contact me
- that's my new job working anywhere I
- want I'm sorry
- well you know what actually just works
- out better for me you know it is
- slimmies the summer come to class we're
- next nuttin you know well it's all right
- to be angry
- hey why should I be mad for saying at
- least he said goodbye this time I just
- wish I hadn't wasted my money buying a
- stupid present I'm sorry I'd you know if
- there was something that I hey you know
- what
- you ain't gonna do no no no hey you know
- ain't like I'm still five years old you
- know ain't like imma be sittin up every
- night asking my mom when's daddy coming
- home you know who needs him he wasn't
- there to teach me how to shoot my first
- basket but I learned didn't I hey I got
- pretty damn good as to did not fulfill
- got through my first day without him
- right I learned how to drive I learn how
- to shave I learned how to fight without
- him I had 14 great birthdays without him
- he never even sent me a damn car
- I need them then and I'll need them now
- we'll know you know what Uncle Phil I'm
- gonna get through college without him
- I'm gonna get a great job without him
- I'm gonna marry me a beautiful honey and
- I'm having me a whole bunch of kids I'll
- be a better father than he ever was and
- I sure as hell don't need him for that
- cuz I ain't a damn thing he could ever
- teach me about how to love my kids how
- come you don't want me man you know
- we're sitting here you and I and I get
- couple of regular fellas
- you do what you do I do what I gotta do
- and now that we've been face to face
- if I'm there I gotta put you away I
- won't like it but I'll tell you
- if it's between you and some poor
- bastard whose wife you're gonna turn
- into a widow brother you are going down
- I'm sorry I don't want to be an emperor
- that's not my business I don't want to
- rule or conquer anyone
- I should like to help everyone if
- possible Jew Gentile black man white we
- all want to help one another human
- beings are like that we want to live by
- each other's happiness not by each
- other's misery we don't want to hate and
- despise one another in this world is
- room for everyone and the good earth is
- rich and can provide for everyone the
- way of life can be free and beautiful
- but we have lost the way greed has
- poisoned men's souls has barricaded the
- world with hate has goose-stepped us
- into misery and bloodshed
- we have developed speed but we have shut
- ourselves in machinery that gives
- abundance has left us in want our
- knowledge has made us cynical our
- cleverness hard and unkind we think too
- much and feel too little more than
- machinery we need humanity more than
- cleverness we need kindness and
- gentleness without these qualities life
- will be violent and all will be lost
- the aeroplane and the radio have brought
- us closer together the very nature of
- these inventions cries out for the
- goodness in men cries out for universal
- brotherhood for the unity of us all even
- now my voice is reaching millions
- throughout the world millions of
- despairing men women and children
- victims of a system that makes men
- torture and imprison innocent people
- those who can hear me I say do not
- despair the misery that is now upon us
- is but the passing of greed the
- bitterness of men who fear the way of
- human progress the hate of men will pass
- and dictators die and the power they
- took from the people will return to the
- people and so long as men die Liberty
- will never perish
- soldiers don't give yourselves to brutes
- men who despise you enslave you who
- regiment your lives tell you what to do
- what to think of what to feel who drill
- you diet you treat you like cattle use
- you as cannon fodder don't give
- yourselves to these unnatural men
- machine men with machine minds and
- machine hearts you are not machines you
- are not cattle you are men you have the
- love of humanity in your hearts
- you don't hate only the unloved hate
- the unloved and the unnatural soldiers
- don't fight for slavery fight for
- liberty in the seventeenth chapter of
- st. Luke it is written the kingdom of
- God is within man not one man nor a
- group of men but in all men in you you
- the people have the power the power to
- create machines the power to create
- happiness
- you the people have the power to make
- this life free and beautiful to make
- this life a wonderful adventure then in
- the name of democracy let us use that
- power let us all unite let us fight for
- a new world a decent world that will
- give men a chance to work that will give
- you the future and old age a security by
- the promise of these things brutes have
- risen to power but they lie they do not
- fulfill that promise they never will
- dictators free themselves but they
- enslave the people
- now let us fight to fulfill that promise
- let us fight to free the world to do
- away with national barriers to do away
- with greed with hate and intolerance let
- us fight for a world of reason a world
- where science and progress will lead to
- all men's happiness
- soldiers in the name of democracy let us
- all unite
- you
- you