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Vesper - Vesper

LBCastle - Lord British Castle

BTCastle - Blackthorn Castle

Trinsic - Trinsic

Linelle - Trinsic Jungle

BucsDen - Bucaneer's Den

Cove - Cove

InTown01 - Inside towns

Tavern01 - Inside taverns and towns

Jhelom - Jhelom

Magincia - Magincia

Tavern02 - Inside taverns and towns

OldUlt4&5 - Inside towns and shops

Minoc - Minoc

Serpents - Serpent's hold

Approach - During combat

Combat1 - During combat

Moonglow - Moonglow

Nujelm - Nujelm

Tavern03 - Inside taverns and towns

OldUlt2&3 - Inside towns and shops

Occlo - Occlo

Skarabra - Skara Brae

Tavern04 - Inside taverns and towns