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but you can't tell me what it smells

like in the Sistine Chapel

you've never actually stood there looked

up at a beautiful ceiling

seen that

if I ask you about women cover give me a

silver sir your personal favorites you

may have even been laid a few times but

you can't tell me what it feels like to

wake up next to a woman and feel truly


a tough kid

I asked you about why you probably throw

Shakespeare at me right once more into

the breach dear friends you never been

near one you've never held your best

friend's head in your lap and watch him

Je veux bien avoir un enfant qui te ressemble mais pas de toi

Je veux bien avoir un enfant qui te ressemble mais pas de toi

Je veux bien avoir un enfant qui te ressemble mais pas de toi

"Mais il attend"

Les mots se meurent dans l'écouteur

Oui le téléphone pleure

Non, ne raccroche pas